Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

Actually, I've never stated that it was soley responsible for anything, like I've said in this LONG thread that it is actually just a part of the machine that leads to the downfall of a country.

Your posts are RIFE with inferrences, examples and comparisons which lead no room for misinterpretation on the subject. Again, riding the boat of "hate the sin and not the sinner" is the same thing as passive condemnation in my book. It just sounds nicer and takes the sting out of things. The stigma that Christianity has heaped upon homosexuality and the naked aggression towards it is an undeniable FACT througout history...

...And I never said that you said homosexuality was SOLELY responsible for anything, either. Since this thread mainly concentrates on homosexuality and you initially brought the example of the fall of the Roman Empire as an example of it's evils.

There were a NUMBER of reasons the Roman Empire fell into ruin; incessant invasions, economic instability, disease, political strife, moral decline and yes, Christianity itself helped put Rome into the scrapheap of bygone civilizations.

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
And the abuse of ones sexuality didn't start recently. It's been abused since who knows when. It becomes a lot easier to abuse when birth control becomes huge. Interesting huh?

Let's not bring birth control into this mix. This topic is loaded with enough issues without dragging something else into it.

Given that the abuse of sexuality is a MUCH larger and rampant issue than homosexuality (homosexuals represent a minor portion of the total US population), why does the Church prop all their rhetoric up on homosexuality more than say, rampant and unprotected sex?

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
Wanna know something, I think they are. The only thing is though, is that homosexuality is something that "seems" a lot more dangerous, but they are all sins, regardless of anything said or not said in the pulpit. And does anybody say that those in the pulpit are perfect? Not me, they have their faults just like everybody else.

Fair enough. I agree with most of what you say here.

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
Well, I know you are wrong. I suppose by saying this you are saying that you don't judge anybody on any of their actions...

NO, as I most certainly do judge people by their actions. The million dollar difference here is that your interpretation of Christianity sees sexual orientation as a MORAL issue, where my interpretation of Christianity DOES NOT.

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
My goodness, you can compare me to Hitler, a murderer, but I can't compare the sin of homosexuality to the sin of murder? Interesting huh?

Read much more carefully. I never compared you to Hitler; I compare the ACTION of painting an entire group of people with the same brush of sin as what Hitler did in his disdain for all things Jewish...

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
And no, I'm not at all like Hitler. I'm not raising an army to destroy the homosexuals in this country, rather I am trying to keep marraige as God intended, between male and female...

I, too prefer the definition of "marriage" to stay as religion and society have commonly known if for millenia, so our goals are similar, though I don't go about it alienating people that could quite possibly be more religious, upstanding and moral than you or I.

Christianity has proven to be one of the MOST intolerant popular religions in existance, in DIRECT contrast to Christ's teachings. There has been a MASSIVE amount of good done by the Christianity, but when one takes into the atrocities of the Crusades, the Inquisition, the early persecution of the Jews, the torture and enslavement of pagan populations, the torture and deaths of those that thought the Sun was the center of the universe at one point in time, the moral support of black slavery in certain Southern institutions, the burning of witches at Salem...

...the list could go on indefinitely. The point is that carving up scripture in order to condem, persecute, deny equal rights to or discriminate against a population is TOTALLY missing the most BASIC and FOUNDING principles of Christianity.


Shame on those that do this and try to pass it off as a biblical principle.

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