Originally posted by gsxr907:

Damn I hate drunk drivers. My girlfriend's dad does it all the time, it boils my blood

If you ever see this call the police.....To save a life that could be you or your parent, brother, sister, Grandparent or someone else's or mine or who ever is reading THIS! I wish I had the chance to have stopped this prick! If you care call the police if you ever think someone is drunk. Think about it if some one would have called on this guy we WOULD NOT be talking about this!

I hate the concept of driving drunk with a passion. I was on the Atlantic City XWay a few months ago, and spotted a guy that was obviously driving drunk. I called 911, who in turn re-routed me to the Expressway Police. I told them the situation, and they asked me where on the XWay I was, because I was following this guy. I stayed on the XWay for another 20 miles (past my intended exit), to try to assist, but the cops never showed up. It was a real shame.

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