
Originally posted by "Josh's Dead Wife".. wtf?:

First and foremost, I must say - You're too dense to know what it means when the pictures on the wall start shaking, so I've gotta haunt my ass over to the library and post on the Internet about what an idiot I think you're being.

How DARE you tell everyone on the Internet that my life insurance policy was large? That's pretty crude. Is it any of their business? Should I tell everyone on CEG if you were adequate in bed or not? Hmmm.. Maybe I should.

"My Fiancee's dead now, but I've got a lot of money. Ooh, I can get new rims! Oh, but I miss her... But I'm gonna love my new rims!"

Do you know what you've done to my reputation up here, with all these flame wars and nonsense? I'm getting a lot of flack up here. Everyone else is talking about their mom, who left their bedroom just the way it was before they died, or their girlfriend, who brings flowers to their grave every day.. Me? "Yeah... My fiancee posted melodramatic rants on a couple of car message boards."

Thanks, Josh. You've made my afterlife miserable. But don't worry.. I see you when you're sleeping, I know when you're awake. I'm like Santa Claus, but I surely am NOT coming through the chimney.

If there were post offices here in heaven, I'd post your picture on the wall.. "Heaven's Top 10 Least Wanted."

I'll see you around.


ps Thanks for asking me to get married in a contour I knew my life was over then....was not even an svt