I can certianly see the direction you are all looking towards here but my other car of passion, the SVO Mustang is already "at" where the Contour will be heading. The same series of events took place with the classic mustangs as well, except they are now on the "other" side of the fence. They are definetly well into the re-bound phase where as the fox chassis mustangs are at their near bottom end of the cycle. Dirt cheap, still fairly easy to find, and only people that really want them are enthusiasts. The contour is now on the beggining stages of that decline. While certainly it will never have the following similar to that of the classic mustangs (it is posible however) they will indeed rebound. Untill then the will continue to decline in value and in desire by the average consumer. It is also during this time you find the true enthusiats taking advantage of that fact. Thats why I currently own 6 fox chassis mustangs, 3 of them being SVO's. Time will tell, but it's sad to watch it all happen right before your eyes.

Thats my $.02

-Mike Malone 98 E0 Silver Frost MTX & other various mustangs...