I don't know guys. The additive didn't seem to make a difference. (Lucas) with a little Ford friction modifier for positrac units to increase band to drum grab. I know one thing, when I go into limp mode and loose my EPC function, I have to baby it out of the red lights. It feels like it's going to snap a half shaft in two. THe friction additive is definately working on that #2 band! It barks the tires like my old '69 fastback in high school.
Wanted to add real quick. I can run the thing up to 60-65 mph (in second cause that's all I have), let off...the TCC unlocks and I coast (as it should). RPM's drop to nearly an idle, now as I pass down through say 55mph, I can tip the OD cancel button. Within a second, I have SOLID engine braking in what I am sure is a third gear ratio, but then 2-3 seconds later, 2nd gear comes in everytime. It has to be something in the 3rd gear oil circuit. Maybe a cracked drum like suggested before. I can't imagine anything in the valve body. I stroked and wiggle tested all the spool pieces during the rebuild and they all seemed to have little if any wear. I just may be doing my own picture story rebuild. AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!

Bought a 98 Contour SVT off ebay for $430.00 (missing: all lower body panels, entire exhaust, wheels,and headlights) Going through the pains of getting it on the road for my son this spring (2006).