Well I'm not really complaining. If people are going to come on here and say the radar detector saved their ass 12 times on one drive, then you have to question whether they were saved 12 times by the radar detector or if they're making it all up to seem cool. If they really did go blazing down a road that they know has cops all over it, then they're driving like idiots. And that was my point.

I have the radar detector to keep me aware of speed monitors. That doesn't mean I go blazing down every road at full throttle because I have the radar detector to tell me where all the cops are. It's mainly for interstate driving, so that lone cop can't pick me off with his radar. I won't speed through known areas of speed traps because I know the cops use techniques that the radar detector can't make you aware of.

And yes, I do like to "just argue" whenever the chance arises.