Originally posted by wa2tuff:
Got the shipping info late last week from Kerri. Should have the hood by Thursday.

Only because I want to have the answers before I hear the question:: what if the carton/box/etc the hood is packed in comes screwed up--I know not to sign for it but am I limited to posting here for help or can you PM me with a phone number? I obviously don't want to wait XX weeks for a trucking company investigation and claims to happen (or am I just being paranoid?).

Just got a phone call from the delivery truck driver. I should have my hood within an hour or so. I'll post when I see it. Anticipation is rising!!!

WA 2 TUFF SVT 2000 Tropic Green SVT Born 1/28/2000-1975 out of 2150-only 207 made. Some new pics