
i'd really rather not wear out a set of $300/apiece pilot sports any sooner than absolutely necessary!

What'd ya git them fancy things fer if'n ya ain't-a-gonna use em?

Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
Who has gone out there at night time and whats it REALLY like?

Best analogy I can think of...at this late hour (rubs eyes):

Imagine you're in the wilderness & hungry, almost starving. Along comes a small black bear, also hungry. Black bear is good eatin' and you want to get him in a hurry because if he gets away you may starve. At the same time you gotta be really smart about it, cause IT could kill YOU too.

That is the rush of the Dragon at night - quite intense for the first time through - if you're not used to mountain roads. I'm not used to mountain roads, they're few & far between in Florida. Actually, there aren't any at all in Florida.

Must be that jumbly-wumbly thing happening again.