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are these new, or new to Iowa?


New CEG'er
Mar 19, 2010
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Here in Cedar Rapids,IA they are starting to put these cameras all over the place. They try to hide them and they will catch you speeding or running red lights. One of the idiots at my work that has crashed twice in one day blazed a red light in a company strait truck and a $100 ticket showed up a few days later. They also park cars on the side of the rode and they have cameras mounted in them. One good thing is they aren't a moving violation but still a good fine. All I can think about when I see them is that Need For Speed most wanted game where you had to go through them at like 120 lol. Hell they even have a silver focus with like 5 percent tint all around and its an unmarked cop car with lights mounted behind the grill, its kind of cool. Well I was just curious if this is happening everywhere or just here?
In Orlando we have had CRAZY unmarked cars including a nitrous fed 2009 Mustang, and a fleet of others less impressive. As for the cameras, we have them EVERYWHERE as well, including every quarter mile on all our highways. Highway Patrol can watch them from the cars and catch you down the road. We also have red light cameras like you said.

If you cover your face, you can take the ticket to court though since they can't prove who was driving. There is a local guy who has racked up an insane number of infractions and hasn't paid a single one because of it.
They've been around a good 15 years or so. They're just, like so many things, taking their sweet time to get to Iowa.
My manager and his wife got a ticket in the mail for like $120 for speeding downtown by the hospital. Turned out to be that the shop they took their car to had driven it to diagnose the problem and they did it. They took the ticket in and the shop payed the ticket which suprised me.
It's nothing new in IA. I've seen them putting State Trooper cars along I-80 for years like that,not sure if they had camera's or not, but what they would do is put a dummy car out there for a couple weeks, get people used to, then swap it out with a live tropper and start getting people. From what I remember Des Moines had started using cameras before we moved 5 years ago.
I remember like 2 or 3 years ago right before christmas they had a cop dressed up as an elf standing on the side of the rode by a sign saying merry christmas. He was waving at people and clocking them at the last second with cop cars up the rode to pull them over. I thought it was pretty funny but people were complaining on the news saying it was entrapment and it should be illegal. Its funny how mad people get over it. Especially with these cameras, they say you won't get a fine unless you are going like 10 or 15 over. Its not that hard to just stick around 5 over or so. Oh well, its making the city a ton of money so far.
they deemed them illegal in minnesota. it was protested by the people that put the law into effect from what i hear. i guess they thought about it more and realized its kinda a "big brother" thing having cameras everywhere. i got a warning in the mail for running a red light on accident in minneapolis when they first were installed. cops dont go to great lengths here to get people, but they always run across me :p