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Here it is...

I don't think you'll ever get tired of that car. :)

Good to hear that you got the other wheels on. :cool: Now, get us some new shots! ;)
LOL, after you fix the stereo!

So, I had my first dealer experience today. I checked the oil and found it too dark for my liking (lots of people are saying the 7500 miles intervals are too much anyway), so i called Volvo of edison and said i know i'm 2 thousand miles early for the 22,500 mile service, but i'm taking a long trip and i'd like to have it taken care of before hand.

N/P they said and i brought it in this morning. I was in and out in exactly one hour, asbolutely no charge...guy said i couldn't even tip the tech!

Free Oil change, air filter, cabin air filter and checked a whole bunch of other stuff. Brakes should be due next servicing.

They had direct tv and even a damn xbox in the waiting room! Now that i've been over to the dark side, I dunno if i can ever go back to owning an american car. I mean, seriously, this is the first time i've been to a dealership where i didn't have to yell, or deal with random damage to my car. They didn't even move my seat!!!
Damn, man. First you make us jealous with your car, now you gotta throw out a happy dealship story.....:p :laugh: .

J/K. Gotta love experiences like that.
if they do good work, then yes. i'd throw the guy 20 bux considering everything i saved. $125/hr labor plus parts.

I never tipped a ford tech, cause they're all retarded, but the local shop i used to take my SVT to got tips. It was an old man and his son...they were honest, reliable guys and i always showed my appreciation. Gotta make sure they go the extra mile for me you know?

LOL i tip the cute waitresses in pa $20 so they think i'm the man.
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Nah man you have to do what me and my broke friends did in a Denny's in Dickson city, we went to eat around 1:30AM but after we had ordered all waters we realized we had less than $5 altogether, so we ordered a single order of fries and wrote "Sorry" and a big smiley face with ketchup on a napkin and left 2 quarters as the eyes for a tip. I bet our waitress loved that, 50 cents and a mess.
Meh, she wasn't cute anyway. The big tip idea would be ok I guess, so long as you leave your number with it. Otherwise it's just $20 for lookin cute to a girl you probably won't ever see again, but hey, you're driving a nice Volvo and I have an almost 100K Contour, I think the difference in our financial status is not only obvious, it's profound. :laugh:
thanks man. too bad it looks like we're gonna get pissed on for the rest of the week. i can't seem to catch a sunny day to take more pics!