Okay, so as you can tell I'm not on here much anymore. But I received a email today about if I had any tiedowns remaining. So upon logging in, I see that I have multiple messages from several years asking about these...
Not sure the best way to go about this. . . Because the newest person, is the one who got my attention to login. So I feel like I should offer them first. But in order of responses, they would be last...
So I posted the four that I have left... original asking price was $35 plus shipping.
So I'll start there...
If I have multiple people interested, we will go to highest bidder/bidders...
I am interested in V3, which it looks like you have 3 of.Which version are you interested in?
PAID IN FULL , hoping for Friday......PayPal:
And how does $10 shipping sound guys? Let me know, if we can't get it out by Friday a.m.. it will probably be Monday evening...
Right on, can't wait, you da manI received payment!
No worries I got the tracking info, you are awesome, I surprised there is not more interest. Great Product from the ones I have seen.Guys, I apologize but I went out to my wife's car this morning to get a few things and there sits the tiedowns. So, apparently, she did not ship them out. I will get them out today myself. I'll leave work early today.
No worries I got the tracking info, you are awesome, I surprised there is not more interest. Great Product from the ones I have seen.
Yeah I am glad I saw his email. I love this, looks great better than new for sure.Totally agree, I have been watching these forums literally praying this day would comeSUCH a cool 1 off piece that you KNOW there are only 30 in exsistence.!!