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well that means more time to get ready. :shrug: but if it was still gonna be next weekend, i wouldn't be able to go, i've been moving.
I am just pissed cause I have been planning for months for this, now I have to reschedule my hotel, vacation time, alot of stuff, plus the day it starts is my wifes birthday, then the day it ends is my sons 2nd birthday
oh ok, i understand your predictament then. I'm not even sure i'll have my car then. june is along way away. (figuratively speaking).
Thats a pretty big move, like 2 months Maybe I'll be able to make it as well but I'm still pissed at my car.
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I'll be attending this. Spring Zing just can't happen this year. Money's tight especially since I just bought the new tour. This is alot closer too.
And why the hell is that:mad:

If everything goes the way i want it to, i won't be living in georgia by then. but i really want to have a meet up with everyone b4 i leave. In case i don't go, i'll be attending. so don't count me out just yet. anybody up for a wedding in texas?
i'm glad it got pushed back. more time to prep, attendance might be higher, and i've got more vacation time now.:laugh: before i was gonna have to clean the car up friday night and drive up sat. morning. now i took off thurs and fri so i'll have the car all ready and will get a room friday and saturday night. i can't wait!
not to sure yet. she told me and i already forgot:crazy:. she's supposed to be looking at a t-red for me out there. if she gets it, i'll leave mine in ga, and just drive when i come home from time to time. beats renting a car everytime i come home.
all i know is after seeing all the pics from sz i can not wait for FFW!!!! it's been too long since nopi which was the last weekend long show we hit up. gonna be a blast.