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funniest thing you have ever seen

im not gay you know that and i take offense to that. your ":laugh:" doesnt help that at all.


your the gay poster child:laugh:
:shrug: am i supposed to be scared or something now? he's gay sure but that doesn't disgust me nor turn me on in any way. So i really dont see how its accomplishing anything.
Sheesh man, what crawled up your leotard?

thefiveoh's comment struck me the wrong way.

up until then it was all fine and a joke. not sure what it was exactly but you get the point im making.
seriously, the only people that get THAT uptight about a gay joke are homophobes or closet homo's.

to joke about it is fine, its been happening since yesterday. which was all in good fun and made me laugh too But when people start to push me to give the answer they want it pisses me off. even if they are joking
to joke about it is fine, its been happening since yesterday. which was all in good fun and made me laugh too But when people start to push me to give the answer they want it pisses me off. even if they are joking

grow some thicker skin, and lighten up :cool:
yeah dude, the whole point of the thread was to be at your expense and you seemed to be a pretty good sport about it. I didn't think he said anything unexpected or over the line at all :shrug: