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HDR... Not just for cars.


May 26, 2004
Eight-One-OH! or the Nine-Eight-Nine!
Went out tonight and decided to whirl up my HDR since it seems to be the cool thing to do, but not with the car. I wanted to see what can be done with just overall scenery shots. I can say that when i was first doing all of this i didn't know what the big deal was, till i did one of my pictures (the first one here) and i was literally sitting in front of my computer dropped jaw.




Nice shots. I'm gonna take a few new ones out around my job today, as well as other stuff. I'll probably add them to this thread later tonight.
Just a question for the noob...how do you go about changing the settings on your camera without disturbing the picture? If I start pressing buttons on mine to change out the exposure, I would think the camera would move.

Maybe the answer is a better tripod?

Also, how many pictures to you usually take to get the effect?
Some cameras have exposure bracketing. The camera automatically adjusts exposure at pre-determined/set intervals. Other than that, a tripod would be necessary.
thanks everyone. I adjust settings manually between the photos, just make sure the tripod is locked in everyway so it will not move.

The first picture i took 7 different shots altering exposure, i can post the 7 used later on, the shots are on my other computer.

the more varying pictures you take the better your results, but you also will be changing settings more and run the risk of shifting the camera.
everyone seems to be doing hdr now... ive read tutorials and doesnt seem too hard to get a basic shot but obviously its a talent that you can learn as you progress. but my question is... is it very difficult or is it just one of those things that you have to do over and over to become good at it?
everyone seems to be doing hdr now... ive read tutorials and doesnt seem too hard to get a basic shot but obviously its a talent that you can learn as you progress. but my question is... is it very difficult or is it just one of those things that you have to do over and over to become good at it?

it's time consuming and tedious, i like how mine came out, but the white balance could use adjusting amongst other bits and pieces.
if anybody wants help with HDR, give a shout, I have the software to do it and would be happy to lend a hand to anybody interested in learning.