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hows the weather???

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. ;)
I was selected to go to an elite swim school at Lafayette College, they made you swim 100 laps of each stroke every time you came as a warm up. :crazy: I couldn't even get out of the pool the first night, it got easier each time I went though. It was fun.
Do what you are best at. :)

Sorry Andrew, we high-jacked your thread. Just jump back in and we'll go back on topic if you'd like.
haha, don't worry bout it, i was flyin my butt back here while you guys were chattin. im certainly glad to be back and driving again. I can only go so far without driving before i loose my mind.

Yeah i certainly wouldn't mind meetin Ian somewhere, that'll be cool. so bout the meet, cause i know my mom is gonna want to know what we're gonna do... mind givin me a quick summary of what you guys do at meets??
well we shoot sum drugs then we play really loud angry music. then we smoke us sum stuff then we all go eat. haha

nah we usually all meet up look at cars talk about stuff watch doug make fun of waiters that are "gay" then go eat. its a good time