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I Love New England

that makes no sense at all ... what if your in a car accident and need to buy a car but need a loan to do it? Your going to have a loan to pay off. not everyone has mommy and daddy to buy them a car.

I had to start paying back my school loan while I still lived at home ... although I only lived home for one year after finishing school

WTF are you spending your money on when you are living at home? You should be saving it up to pay off things like a car or your schooling.
besides, if youre living at home, you're parents are basically paying for things.

I'd have to say that isn't always the case. I had to pay my parents monthly to live at home after i finished school. granted it wasn't anywhere near what I pay now for my apartment but .... and I was already covering my own health/car insurance as well as gas, etc for the car ...
WTF are you spending your money on when you are living at home? You should be saving it up to pay off things like a car or your schooling.

again I wasn't babied by my parents

health insurance
car insurance
school loan
had to maintain my cars (oil, brakes, tires, etc, etc, etc)
pay "rent" to my parents
buying parts for my contour
buy things I needed/wanted
needed new glasses during that time also

all that on top of driving 165 a day to get to and from work, about 2 hours out of my day.

and I was saving up at the same time, and I still save, just not as much as before ...
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IMO, living at home is fine if you're saving for a house. If you become a renter after living at home, then you did something majorly wrong. Then again, this may be why I'm a financial management major and not something else. It just amazes me how people my age throw away money on the most useless things because they "deserve" it. I like watching my net worth grow, thank you very much. :cool:
well in my case I needed to move closer to work and was not ready at that time to purchase a house. then again the way things are going in the next few years will be a good time, and I am continuing to save so that I can do that.
again I wasn't babied by my parents

health insurance
car insurance
school loan
had to maintain my cars (oil, brakes, tires, etc, etc, etc)
pay "rent" to my parents
buying parts for my contour
buy things I needed/wanted
needed new glasses during that time also

all that on top of driving 165 a day to get to and from work, about 2 hours out of my day.

and I was saving up at the same time, and I still save, just not as much as before ...

I see a few things in there. 1. Cars. Should have sold them and kept one. Would have helped the insurance part as well 2 Buying part for the tour. If it wasn't in maintaining it, shouldn't have bought it. 3. things you wanted. Didn't really need them either.

I know what it is like to drive that much a day. I used to go 600 miles round trip everyweekend to and from college. Then 130 miles round trip every day for a year and half for my first (part time) county job.

And holy hijacked thread. :blackeye:
I'm also living at home but I pay rent to stay there.

I'm also paying student loans, car loan, car insurance, cell phone. I cover my own dental, medical, retirement, and life insurance.

So yes, I make very good money and live at home, but I'm self supportive. I do not ask or get anything from my parents. I buy all my own food, clothes and anything else I want.
I see a few things in there. 1. Cars. Should have sold them and kept one. Would have helped the insurance part as well 2 Buying part for the tour. If it wasn't in maintaining it, shouldn't have bought it. 3. things you wanted. Didn't really need them either.

cars, yes I see that point. I currently own three, if I couldn't manage it I wouldn't. as for insurance, I price it out many times, I would have trippled what I was paying to switch to a different company. And from all of the "how much do you pay" threads here on car insurance, I was always one of the ones with the lower payments. I pay by the year and get a divident check, but break it down month by month and its was about $70~80 per car right now. It was that when I had one, not to different with two and now with three its still about the same, obviously it came down as I am now over 25.

I bought what I did for my tour because I wanted to, its my hobby, what I do in my spare time, all the hard work and saving doesn't mean anything if you don't have something to enjoy doing in your life right? well this is one of my things.

and your right, wants can go without

but lets be realalistic, who doesn't buy something that want from time to time. I don't go out and just blow my money on anything. I save for it, research it, find the best price then buy it when I want, I don't have to run out on the spot to get something I want.

I do see and understand all of your points. however to say someone living at home doesn't have any expences just isn't right.
IMO, living at home is fine if you're saving for a house. If you become a renter after living at home, then you did something majorly wrong. Then again, this may be why I'm a financial management major and not something else. It just amazes me how people my age throw away money on the most useless things because they "deserve" it. I like watching my net worth grow, thank you very much. :cool:
Umm yeah. You live in freaking North Dakota. Come to central New England and look at the house prices. I'm making decent money but with student loans there is no way I could afford $400K for a small house near my workplace. Not to mention it's stupid to buy right now, what with the mortgage market.

I see a lot of the people having to defend their lifestyle in this topic live in the Northeast.... coincidence?
Umm yeah. You live in freaking North Dakota. Come to central New England and look at the house prices. I'm making decent money but with student loans there is no way I could afford $400K for a small house near my workplace. Not to mention it's stupid to buy right now, what with the mortgage market.

I see a lot of the people having to defend their lifestyle in this topic live in the Northeast.... coincidence?

Move? :shrug:
back on topic, I hate new england! I want to move to naples, fl and become an automotive detailer for milfs.

to disagree again, New England isn't bad at all, more so CT. fairly moderate weather year round, only a few weeks of really cold weather, not crazy hot and humid in the summer, it has trees and the fall and spring are perfect time to be outside.

although Florida in december was very nice, but alittle to warm for me as it was approaching 80 on a few days I was down there.

oh and the bugs suck at night, they just plaster the front of the car ...