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I can't seem to find what the stock tire size for the f-250 is....and the truck is out at my dads. I wrote some of the stuff down from the tire when I was out there last, but it didn't seem to have the same numbers a "normal" tires has...damn 30 year old tires. Have anything that might fit?

Hmm - right now everything I've got has a home or is needed for rollers. After I get the 1 tons under my 74' and a set of the boggers out of the garage I may have some spare 31" BFG's That is a next year project the way things are going now...

The new money pit :crazy:
THIS IS DONE !!! Found what I was looking for...Well Almost, got us a very well maintained Zetec.

Ok my friends, Heres the deal...

My mother-in-law (60yrs.old) gave me $2000 to find her a car.

MUST be and/or have:

- 98+ Constique w/V6 ATX (not my choice)
- leather interior (she has bladder control problem)
- check engine light (good bargaining tool)

Ive looked at 3 SE's but all have issues (either beat to :censored::censored::censored::censored: or tranny issues,ect...) Im being very picky here cause the car will probably be back in my hands soon enough. :laugh:

Thanks for your time,
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Ok my friends, Heres the deal...

My mother-in-law (60yrs.old) gave me $2000 to find her a car.

MUST be and/or have:

- 98+ Constique w/V6 ATX (not my choice)
- leather interior (she has bladder control problem)
- check engine light (good bargaining tool)

Ive looked at 3 SE's but all have issues (either beat to :censored::censored::censored::censored: or tranny issues,ect...) Im being very picky here cause the car will probably be back in my hands soon enough. :laugh:

Keep your eyes open....

Thanks for your time,

That's no easy find. The problem is, at 2k your looking at a high mileage Contour and the ATX's are notorious for needing rebuilt/replaced over 100k. So even if you found one without tranny problems, I'd be very concerned about how much life is left in it.

There are a few listed on Craigslist for a $1000 or under that need tranny work. If it were me and 2k was the ceiling, I'd beat the seller down as much as I could on one of these sub 1k Contour's, buy a ATX out of a late model Cougar (01-02) off Car-parts.com, and hire Tricker, Blackcoug, etc to drop it in for me.

Done this way, you should be able to stay at or under 2k with your requirements.
Mine. But no leather or v6. Tranny is fine... I want to sell it because I got a 96 Concorde with 42,000 miles when my Grandpa passed a week ago. So I'm hopin to sell the tour and get some nice rims for the Concorde. $1,800. Let me know :cool:
Thanks for your input. Im finding that is the case..:laugh:

Heres where im at.

I found a 99 meeting my requirements, but the body was rough and was leaking fluids badly. I offered him $800 but no go.

Looked at another 99 in Shoreview http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/cto/836601344.html . This car was clean. Damn near flawless, BUT tranny was on it way out. Lowest he would go is $1500. I do have a known working ATX I could pull back out of the Mystique. Im gonna give him another day or so and see if he will give.

Another option is to drop another $500 in to the Mystique and let the mother-in-law drive that one. Then buy Youngkidwithnomoney's Zetec for $1000 and bank the rest...:laugh:
Mine. But no leather or v6. Tranny is fine... I want to sell it because I got a 96 Concorde with 42,000 miles when my Grandpa passed a week ago. So I'm hopin to sell the tour and get some nice rims for the Concorde. $1,800. Let me know :cool:

PM sent
All parts for a 1989 Grand Marquis. I am thinking of pulling the engine before I get rid of it but I don't know yet at this point. If interested PM please. :)
I have two sets of stock rims for sale (E0 Style). One set has tires on it (need replacing) and the other set is just the rims. Both are in very good shape without any major nicks, paint blemishes, or curb rash. They would make great winter rims for anyone looking.

I'll let either set go for $150. Come get em!
Hmmm I might take the ones with the tires. I'd like to keep my new tires off the concrete all winter.

Got any pics? I have to make sure they'll clear my brakes (I think they will).
FS svt cams

FS svt cams

as it says svt cams out of a 98
All 4 cams, Chains, Tensioners, Guides, Crank sprocket
140,000 on the cams look good still
$200 or best offer????? any question pm me
SOLD !!!! Thanks KyleQ

Front/Rear SVT Bumper Covers and Sideskirts w/3 jackpoint covers.

Paint has been removed from the front and crack on bottom has been somewhat repaired. Broken mounting tab for one foglight.

As you can see the rear needs some prepwork done(has been painted a few times). Nice solid bumper cover.

The skirts are fine but should be repainted. Includes mounting brackets if needed.

$300 !!!

FOR SALE:Front/Rear SVT Bumper Covers and Sideskirts w/3 jackpoint covers.
OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU!!!! You can consider them sold. ;) I will PM you later about them. I was kinda waiting until some showed up more locally. Im not so concerned about the jack point cover either. I would maybe have those molded in. :D I just have to get my rockers repainted now cause theres paint missing under the drivers door. :(