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Lockwood sill protectors?

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Well, Need for Speed gave me a number direct to Lockwood. He said they'd be able to give a bigger discount! Score! Talked to Clive at Lockwood and am shooting him and email to work out final pricing. This is going well. Woot! Hope by boss doesn't notice the call to the UK. LOL!
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Need 2 more ppl!

Need 2 more ppl!

It's going to be $75 a person if we can get 10 people. We just need 2 more.
You want 16?! j/k ;) Just need one more? Anyone want to post in the aesthetics? Not too many ppl come in the GB.
I'm gonna have to back out on this one for now. Money is getting kind of tight right now around the holiday. If you guys can't find a 10th person I may be able to get in later on if needed. Sorry.

1. todras
2. stiker2
3. ohsigmachi
4. crzydrvr
5. redneckboarder
6. brapple
7. pimpdcontour (depends on when we need to pay)
What kind of payment options do we have? do we have to pay 100% up front or only a portion of it and then when they arrive pay the rest.
And they begin to drop as usual. Payment all up front. I paypal them the $ and they send me the goods.
1. todras
2. stiker2
3. ohsigmachi
4. crzydrvr
5. redneckboarder
6. brapple
7. pimpdcontour (depends on when we need to pay)
8. RG
another group buy seems to bite the dust... i really hope we get 2 more people cause i really want these.. come on people there has got to be 2 more people who want these..
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