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NE-CEG boob conversation

you need to get your eyeglass prescription updated. :p

I have better than 20/20 vision. But there is a slight resemblance. There is a website out there to where you can upload a pic and it does facial recognition...kind of cool.

Here is the site

Wife keeps getting Jessica Simpson for some reason at like a 70some% match. I don't see it, and now she hates that site because of it :laugh:
I'm hoping for more boobage in general at SZ this year. I was expecting far more last year, and only got one stranger's ass, and a lot of balls hanging out. :(
hold up, turning back to the past...

Lola and bugs bunny dressed as a female bunny are two completely different characters.

bugs is trying to mess with elmer fudd, where as lola, well, is lola.

Completely and utterly true.

But disturbing that you'd go back to that. Hahahah.

<--- Out for now!
how about jessica rabbit?


gratuitous amounts of cartoon cans.
i am late to chime in, but chime in in will...

Boobs are great. However, they can be too big. Some guys are all over huge tata's, regardless...but once you get past the d's, very very few don't look sloppy. droopy with stretch marks and/or giant ariola's. disgusting.

i am also against breast implants. i would take a REAL a cup over a fake d any day.
hold up, turning back to the past...

Lola and bugs bunny dressed as a female bunny are two completely different characters.

bugs is trying to mess with elmer fudd, where as lola, well, is lola.

Good thing they're different. Hate to have you leghumpers going after a cross-dressing cartoon character. :laugh: