Addicted CEG'er
Plus I had a green tank top on, not red. Colorblind much??
I know that man. Sometimes you remember things totally different when the car flies by you and then you have to think about it later.
Plus I had a green tank top on, not red. Colorblind much??
I have one!!
I spotted a Silver E0 this morning on my way to work. They had MA plates, the tops of the headlights painted and were heading south on CT-75.
Yes I am colorblind.
really? my bro is and he cant tell the diff between green and red. He gets through stop lights by illuminated position, not by color.
How are the new LED traffic signals? Are they better or worse as far as color blindedness?
I'm sure it was since I was on Park yesterday twice. I didnt see you wave though. What time was it?
I spotted and orange kinda lavaspeed color SVT today getting on rte 84 in manchester by the buckland mall. Just noticed it out of the corner of my eye. Must have had an aftermarket (borla?) exhaust cause it sounded sweet.
Pretty sure it wasn't anybody on the boards. I think we ould all know if someone here had aftermarket painted their car.
Really? But you waved back at me...
it was around 5:30-6:00. I was heading towards West Hartford and you(or whoever it was) was heading towards Hartford. Silver SVT so I was sure it was you.
Hmm...I did get off 84 heading east (toward Hartford) on Park around that time...maybe my busy job is killing my short term memoryor maybe its the Oktoberfest I drank last night
Did he have the Andy's auto sport kit on it? I've seen that guy too in the same area.
Not sure. I have to admit I'm unfamiliar with that kit.
spotted...silver frost SVT today, rear bumper was all silver no black...getting off RT.24 N heading into stoughton today...anyone?