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Orlando Meet

It looks like it was an awesome meet guys. I was thinking about coming and I think my troller knew it because it started acting up the day after I checked out the post. I'm definately gonna try for next time!! Hopefully I'll have a bike by then.

caleb d.
Sand is my only complaint about living down here. Not only does it sand-blast your car, it gets caught in your window scrapes and destroys your windows when you roll them down.

On the other hand, my car doesnt miss the road salt! I've been away from it for almost 7 yrs now. That stuff will do wonders to your underbody.

That's why you have to get a junker for the winter. Or live where they don't need to salt the roads. Where in Orlando was the meet held? And how come there were no Orlando meets when I lived there? Damn you guys.
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That was the only way we could fit all the cars! Luckily, no authorities saw it until we were leaving, and even then, they only saw it cuz they were trying to get thru the parking lot and couldnt cuz we were blocking it with the car angles! :laugh:

that guy told me to get off his grass because i was busting up his irrigation and then got out his radio, lol.