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Team M Factor LSD

Has them in stock what are you talking about? I haven't heard anything the first thing you do is this and create a claim through paypal? Fantastic especially considering I just moved yesterday. Why does everyone freak out before talking to me?

Everyone above you has their diffs what do I need to come clean about? Where am I lying what am I hiding? If you want a diff that badly and cannot wait for them to be brought over I understand Paypal me the extra $50 for the quick shipping and I will send you MY Diff that I have sitting right here. As the buddy I bought it for decided against it and I paid him out. BUT you will not have a box or the stickers it comes with only the Warranty card. Box got thrown away in the move.
Also again if you have any issues or worries my phone # is 209-556-8338. Text me any time as that is the fastest way to get in contact with me. I rarely get on here you can also email me at the paypal addy that you sent the funds to. THAT is the only reason I know of your issue right now as the claim notification is the only reason as to why I even got on here today.

Don't be offended by my paypal claim. It's just my "standard procedure" for when my Buyer Protection period is about to end, and I haven't received by product yet. I'm sorry about the poor timing, considering your recent move.

I am not in "dire need" of the diff. I don't think it would be wise to send an extra $50 to someone I just filed a paypal claim with... do you? You can keep yours (though it would have been good etiquette to ship all the members of the group buy their diff, before claiming one for yourself). My car has been torn apart for months now, It'd be nice to get it back together, but because of the delays in this group buy, I've decided to build a fully forged motor and apply a turbo to it, while it's all out and waiting. So my project isn't really halted at this time; I'm still waiting for NPG to fab up the custom oil pan, and the rest of the hot pipes. but that is largely irrelevant information; My project timeline has little to do with my claim.

I spoke with David at the R&D/Distributor in CA this morning just to re-affirm that they do have units available to ship. He assured me that they would ship in three days if ordered today. Now this would be coming from China, so customs and whatnot still apply, but he said there were no manufacturing delays. I am unable to speak to anyone regarding the group buy without an order number. Perhaps you could PM me the order number, so I can get more concrete details for myself?

Now, Given these comments:

...When I talked to them in November the said and I quote "The diffs have been pushed back in production because of issues with other batches of product" she informed me that they go by a list of what they need and work down. She then stated that "The diffs wouldn't be finished until late November Early December and then would be sent over on their next bulk shipment." I can call and ask about them I've just been super busy as I have to move in 2 weeks and I have a lot of stuff to get out. Last I heard they would be here early January but could be pushed back to February...

I find it very suspicious that you seem to be stalling to a time-frame that exceeds my paypal buyer protection window. The fact that you have a poor track record as a seller here doesn't help this one bit. Feel free to be offended by me calling you out on this, but, please try to understand why I'm "freaking out."

I'm posting here so the others that have yet to receive their diffs are aware of what's going on. I'll text you to let you know I've made this post.

Maybe you can help reassure me that you are indeed, doing good business here, by answering these questions/requests:

1. Have all of the funds you've raised in this group buy been applied to the purchase of all of the diffs requested? If so, can you provide a receipt for the purchase of them all? If not, it shouldn't be a big deal to refund me, right? ...Because the price point does't change. (To be clear, I want the diff. I only want a refund IF the product cannot be delivered in a time-frame dictated by my Paypal Buyer protection, and claim)

2. Can you provide an order number(s) that account for all the diffs in this group buy? This will allow me to verify the fulfillment details, or at least open discussion with Mfactory directly.

3. Can you forward email from Mfactory regarding the delays? This proves very little, but would be somewhat redeeming for you.

All of this can be via PM/email, no need to post public with these details.

Please understand that I intend to get my product, or my money, and I'm only taking necessary steps to ensure one or the other happens. So if all this comes off as being harsh, I apologize, but get used to it. If you plan on continuing to organize group buys, there is always going to be a pain in the ass somewhere. Especially when you're slow to respond, or provide little-to-no concrete justification for delays.

If the others hadn't already received something, this would seem extremely "scammy."
Here is the email I just received. She says that she called me around Christmas but I don't remember getting a call or voicemail. (I was moving so idk if I missed it or just didn't come through) Either way the last diffs are ready to go.

Dear Justin :

Your paid invoice is attached. The last 4 LSD's are out of production and ready to ship. Please let me know how you would like me to proceed for shipping the last 4 orders. Your shipping options are: Air freight direct to customer from the overseas location (approximately $70 plus customs) or ship in on the sea freight shipment and ship to the customer from our location in the USA (about $25, we pay the customs). The air freight will take about 1 week; the sea freight shipment will take around a minimum 6-8 weeks, depending on release from customs. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for your business - we appreciate it very much.


Synchrotech Transmissions, Inc.
909 592-5900

Remember if you want the fast shipping you will be charged customs as well $20-$30 I was charged $26.

Let me know what you guys want to do asap as the bulk shipment is coming up soon.
As for my diff it would be proper etiquette if it was originally going to be mine. Like I said this was for the buddy who after paying for it and getting it in decided he didn't want the diff so I bought him out he just went with a stock diff. If we wouldn't have paid more for shipping and if it would have originally been for me I probably would have done what you said and get everyone else theirs first. That's why I just offered it to you for the cost of the extra shipping I paid which didn't even include the customs charges I incurred.
I just want to make sure I understand everything properly...

1) The order for the remaining diffs (looks like qty. 4?) that have not yet been shipped has now been placed, as of today. (including mine)

2) Expected delivery time is 6-8 weeks FROM TODAY (or whenever you confirm shipping method) to receive them via container, OR 1 week if paying the extra $50+customs.

3) NOW is the time to pay the extra $50 for expedited drop-shipping.

Thanks for the offer to send your own diff. I don't have any intention to cost anyone extra money (loss of customs charge on your behalf), or come out ahead in any way. I just want the deal as originally advertised. :)

This is good news.

I'll discuss shipping of my diff (air or sea) in private.

Dude, your angry text messages are a bit of an over reaction. I wasn't arguing with you, only trying to resolve this issue like civilized adults. It took a paypal claim to get you to finally place the last order. I'm not harassing you here, just keeping you honest.

You can refund me just out of spite, so that I have to pay retail price, and I'm fine with that, if that's what it takes. Realize that you'd have to pay for my diff out of pocket at that point (assuming you've really made the non-refundable order). I don't think it's worth it for you, especially considering that you're so hard pressed for cash right now.

Please consider my offer. Paypal prevents me from sending you any more money regarding this dispute. Like I said before, I just want the product I ordered, for the advertised price. I'll happily pay you the additional Air Freight charge, once the dispute is settled (i.e. I have tracking info and proof of purchase for the diff.). I will not let my buyer protection expire on this though. so the additional 6-8 weeks of shipping, on top of the several months I've already waited is unacceptable.

First of all your first paragraph is ENTIRELY untrue. I gave you an ultimatum there was no yelling or screaming no exclamation marks just plain facts in the whole message. Also the order was placed at the same time all the others were way back in August/September/October I don't remember. You saying I didn't place the order for the last diffs is just an attempt for me to look even worse here and it's a load of crap. I was called around Christmas in which I didn't get the voicemail and I'd hope everyone would agree with me here that it's Christmas time and we were all with family. She was calling me to tell me that the last diffs were ready to be shipped from the plant in Taiwan. Either by drop shipment for the $70 and the customs charges incurred or by their bulk shipment which will take 6-8 weeks and will be shipped from their facility in the US for the $25 no customs charges. I offered you my diff out of good faith because you're crying. I understand you want your product but I DO NOT agree with the way you went about it. Like you said to me about proper etiquette you should try and contact the person who is running this before just going DIRECTLY for a claim and putting more stress on something than is needed I've posted my number before I also sent it to all of you in PM's if you couldn't get in contact with me via PM's. Instead of doing that you filed a claim without even trying to contact me and see what was going on. Then you came to the forum and stated you filed a claim. I would have had no issues getting you an invoice before hand letting you talk to them like Francis did and after that refunding you and you resending it so you would not lose you're buyer protection or anything else you would have wanted as I have said before what am I trying to hide?

As for your diff and me having to pay for it. If I send you your money back I don't have to pay anything extra I had already talked to them about this situation to cover my own ass. So no in this situation the only one losing is you. All the time you've been waiting and the discount you're getting. This is why I hadn't paid the last $1K of a $5500 order incase I had a couple people get so worried that they did what you are doing or just need their money back for personal reasons. Although I did expect some contact before hand not just to be blindsided in the head.

P.S. anything caps is not yelling it is emphasis on the word.

OK dude,

First, before this goes on too long... I see 3 options for resolving this

1. Refund all my money. You lose the paypal fees here.
2. Refund all my money, which I can return to you to start a new paypal buyer protection, and stay in the group buy. You lose the paypal fees here, still.
3. Front the $45 (I already paid $25 shipping), for the $70 air shipment, and I'll pay you back when I have sufficient proof of the diff being shipped (tracking, and ideally an invoice showing paid).

All of the solutions I have previously suggested have taken notice to, and respected where you would lose money. Thus far I have favored the options where you lose little or no money. Like I've said before, I'm not trying to come out ahead, or cost you any unnecessary money.

The paypal dispute has not been escalated yet, so it is still just between you and me to work it out... it's not like I've filed a law suit against you or something...

I understand... Christmas time, moving, voicemail malfunction, may have all come together creating a period of time where this group buy would stall out. How long would it have been stalled for without someone poking you about it?

you filed a claim without even trying to contact me and see what was going on. Then you came to the forum and stated you filed a claim.

I filed a paypal dispute, because the information you provided, did not match what the vendor provided, and considering your general lack of trustworthiness, and the fact that buyer protection was about to expire, I decided I wasn't wasting another moment waiting for your next excuse about the delays.

The paypal dispute was a formal open channel to get this resolved, not a public shaming. This was me communicating with you about it, while letting you know that I'm serious about this. I didn't come on here and proclaim I filed a dispute. I came on the forum to call you out, and if everything was handled honestly, and diligently, you would have no problem backing your claims up, and I would have apologized for the misunderstanding. Instead you freaked out about how stressful this is, how you should have never set this group buy up, etc... and were generally unpleasant, and unwilling to come to any agreement, while using the threat of a refund to cause me to lose money.

...refunding you and you re-sending it so you would not lose you're buyer protection or anything else you would have wanted...As for your diff and me having to pay for it. If I send you your money back I don't have to pay anything extra I had already talked to them about this situation to cover my own ass. So no in this situation the only one losing is you. All the time you've been waiting and the discount you're getting....

Here is a quote from the paypal dispute message center(personal information has been obscured):
"From Buyer - rxxx mxxx1/11/2016 11:53 PST
My phone number is xxxxxxxxxx. I've made a post on contour.org, that you should read. I've spoken to the US distributor for Mfactory, and they assure me there are not any shipping, or manufacturing delays. If I placed an order today, It would ship in 3 days. Not next month. Having said that, We have until Jan 29 to get this settled. I'm happy to wait for the shipment, But I expect the order to be placed asap(if not already), and tracking information sent, with proof of purchase, and order details. Because I'm a cautious person, I will be escalating this claim by Jan 28, if no adequate proof has been received, indicating that my differential is on its way to me.

If I can find good proof that there are indeed shipping and/or manufacturing delays, I think you can issue me a full refund, and I will immediately send the money back to you again, to begin a fresh buyer protection period.

There should be no problem with resolving this claim, unless you are indeed trying to scam me, or you've irresponsibly spent my money on something other than the acquisition of the differential.

Let's first discuss the options here, before making any decision to refund, etc."

I proposed very early on that you refund my money, so that I can send it right back to you to start a new buyer protection period. But I wanted some sort of proof that the orders were placed, and so on, so that I felt comfortable waiting some undetermined amount of time, that could very well end up being 6 months or more. You provided me with an invoice for a $1000 deposit in November, and shipping charges for 4 diffs. This is not adequate. I tried vetting your story through the vendor, but could only tell me that you put in an order for 10 diffs, and a deposit for 6 of them which has since been fully paid for and shipped. They were waiting on you to make a decision on the remaining 4 diffs.

...I offered you my diff out of good faith because you're crying....As for your diff and me having to pay for it. If I send you your money back I don't have to pay anything extra I had already talked to them about this situation to cover my own ass....

If you were to send me your diff, you would have lost the customs charge. further, if you refund my money, you lose the paypal fees, even if I send it right back to you. The solution I offered was for you to front the $50 for expedited shipping, which you would get right back, 1-2 weeks later. This would have cost YOU the least amount of money(actually, none), and resolve the issue in a timely manner. I understand you have a problem trusting a stranger with $50 of your hard earned cash... I'll just stop there....

...So no in this situation the only one losing is you. All the time you've been waiting and the discount you're getting....

I'd imagine you'd have to pay the $225 that you pocketed for over-charging people at the 5-person group buy rate, if the total order fell under 10 people... Maybe MFactory will work with you on that too and keep the group buy rate at 10-person. I don't know... But it's something you should consider.

Has them in stock what are you talking about? I haven't heard anything the first thing you do is this and create a claim through paypal? ...
Seems like this all changed yesterday, 'eh?

Everyone above you has their diffs what do I need to come clean about? Where am I lying what am I hiding?

Well for starters, I know I wasn't notified that we made the 10 person group buy rate, perhaps the other members were. I paid the 5 person group buy rate. I don't have a problem with a group buy organizer pocketing some cash for their efforts... It is a lot of work. But I expect the organizer to be upfront about it. Helping yourself to other people's money, because you "...already put in more work than [you] expected" is dishonest on some level. Despite that, I had no intentions to get that $25 back. I was ready to let it go, but here we are, you called me out, and I'm backing up my claims.
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Here's what I'm going to do. I'm tired of going back and forth with you about this issue. Since you have yet to tell me what you would like and I honestly don't feel like fighting you anymore whether it be tomorrow next week or in 2 months depending on how shipping goes from Mfactory. I'm just going to ship you mine in about 20 minutes as I already have to go to the Post office. It will be coming USPS I will PM you a tracking number, as well as on paypal, and here so everyone knows that I shipped it. You will have the diff, the warranty card, and one sticker, it comes with a booklet from Mfactory that is just a sales pamphlet but I threw it away.

The only thing I ask is that when you get the diff you post about the fact that you actually have it and that the issues were resolved. I don't expect an apology, I don't expect a picture, I just expect a post saying it was received. I'm sorry for your position on this I should have gotten in contact with them last week even with how busy I was but I didn't. For that I am sorry. I'm also sorry for being a dickhead but when you call someone a liar it tends to upset them when facts aren't true you are getting upset at this point as well and that is why I'm ending this now before it causes more issues.
I just managed to check back here. Looks like it's been well over 20 minutes, so I suppose this has already been done.

I'm not upset, by the way, just trying to get this done. I'm really quite tired of this too. (I have this annoying OCD thing that forces me to be way too thorough with my replies. It's exhausting.)

If this is the way is has to be, then so be it. Once I receive the diff, I'll close the paypal case.

For any other members still waiting for their LSD that may be reading this:

I don't think SVOFANATIC is trying to scam anyone.
I do consider this whole interaction to be partly dishonest, but at a trivial level.
I don't think he intended to be dishonest, but rather, just took advantage of a situation that presented itself.
I still never received any confirmation that the remaining diffs have been paid for, but I do still have faith that they will be or already have, although, I wouldn't be surprised if there were some other unexpected delay in delivery.

I'm sure the rest of this group buy will eventually complete.
...But I still can't shake this uncertainty about you... something seems off here....

You refused to front the $45 or $50 for the expedited shipping, because you don't trust I'll pay you back. but you're willing to drop everything and pay out of pocket to ship yours to me? This is just nonsensical.
VG886648255US USPS tracking number anyone on the forum can look it up if they so wish $600 worth of insurance on the box as well as signature required on delivery Expected delivery 1/15/2016.

Shipping was $22 which is what you paid me for. So I'm not losing anything on this other than my fast shipping in which I don't really need.

The reason it feels off is because I no longer trust paypal. I have been screwed out of $500 in the past from a buyer who said he never received his product when I had confirmed delivery. He changed his confirmed address in paypal after I had sent him his product he then got all his money back and my product. So yes when someone creates a claim I no longer want to do anything for them as Paypal sides everytime with the buyer. There are only two others that haven't received their diffs at this point other than me now. One of which bought my cobra brake setup so he believes in me enough to buy more stuff from me. Which I greatly appreciate not in the fact that he bought it but the fact that he actually believes everything I have said which is the truth.

Please let me know when you get the Diff.

Thank you for taking some sort of action, and getting this GB back on track. I'm done with our dispute (assuming the diff arrives as expected, in perfect working order).

I'll confirm receipt once I have it.

Yeah paypal can really burn you if you're not fully familiar with the terms of use. Most people who aren't "Pro sellers" are not fully aware.

To keep from getting burned, I try to remember these "rules":

As a buyer:
1. Don't send money as a gift, when it's really for a purchase. You have no rights to dispute if something goes wrong here.
2. Don't make a "deposit" rather than paying in full. You also forfeit your dispute rights by doing this, even if you already paid the full balance.
3. Letting the buyer protection window close on an incomplete transaction. if it never ships, it's your loss.

As a seller,
1. You have to make sure you account for the fees in your asking price, if the fees are significant enough to worry about.
2. Sending to an address other than the one that was supplied to you by paypal. This can trigger an automatic refund if the buyer pushes the dispute button.
3. Be aware of the conditions that grant "automatic refund" to the buyer.
4. Don't delay the shipping of a product because you're "too busy". This is a lame excuse. If you cant handle shipping the thing, require local pickup only, or don't sell it.

You see Justin, your introduction to this group buy asked to violate the first two rules of being a buyer. and you tried to violate the third with your shipping/manufacturing delays. This is a major influence on why I didn't hesitate to file a claim, after giving you a chance with a very lengthy wait.

I don't want anyone to get burned. I'm not afraid to be "that guy" that causes a ruckus if things start to get weird.

Alright, I'm done. Sorry for being a dork.
I'd imagine you'd have to pay the $225 that you pocketed for over-charging people at the 5-person group buy rate, if the total order fell under 10 people... Maybe MFactory will work with you on that too and keep the group buy rate at 10-person. I don't know... But it's something you should consider.

Well for starters, I know I wasn't notified that we made the 10 person group buy rate, perhaps the other members were. I paid the 5 person group buy rate. I don't have a problem with a group buy organizer pocketing some cash for their efforts... It is a lot of work. But I expect the organizer to be upfront about it. Helping yourself to other people's money, because you "...already put in more work than [you] expected" is dishonest on some level. Despite that, I had no intentions to get that $25 back. I was ready to let it go, but here we are, you called me out, and I'm backing up my claims.

I want a answer to this, If I was ROBBED of my 25$ that I went out of my way to send you, Im going to be VERY EXTREMELY fking mad... Im not in the business of GIVING my money away to people.

And If Im being honest this WHOLE ENTIRE THING felt like a joke and scam from the gate, I feel like I i didn't start arguing and jumping down your throat I would have NEVER gotten anything.

No Offence but I WILL post the EXACT PM you sent me saying we DID NOT make the 10person rate.. <<<<That is the impression I was giving, I paid 550$ to you and then sent another 25$ your way when you said my diff was there... So in turn I paid 575$. I have ALL messages that were set back and forth and i'd be MORE than happy to post them.

I don't care that it's holidays, or your having a hard time.. EVERYONE IS. especially when dkheads decide it's cool to POCKET my money for no reason then they think somethings "hard" Well my advice would be to NOT setup stuff like this..that's your own fault man.

I didn't realize ANYTHING was suspicious after I got my diff I just simply checked this post to see where everyone else was at..and after reading the last 2 pages, I feel like you just pocketed my 25$... So I can't expect honesty from the track record I have seen so far... but Im just gonna ask.

Wtf did everyone else pay for their diffs???? I was told it was 550$ +25$ for shipping it... bcuz we DID NOT meet the 10 person limit.

SO SVO... wtf is going on??? please man.. just be honest.

As A side note SVO DID send me a invoice for the Diffs that were ordered at the time, and I was able to verify it with Mfactory. So SVO IS being honest to some extent. But when I got time to get my diff, I sent my other 25$ and heard ZERO in response.. and then a week later my diff just showed up. COMPLETE and with it's full warranty and box and everything... again I am very grateful for all this but I DO NOT want people to pocket my money... I don't care i you took 1 cent from me.. IT WAS NOT YOURS.
I received the diff you sent me, SVOFANATIC. Thanks, again for getting things back in motion (I'm assuming the last remaining diffs are shipping now too).

So, the "10th person" didn't join in until some time well after the GB was underway, and everyone had paid. Apparently MFactory still gave the 10 person price break. This was reflected on a later invoice, if I understand correctly.

It seems the "cut off" date for the GB price was kind of arbitrary, and wasn't set or enforced by MFactory.

I don't really care as much about losing the $25, as I do about how it was handled. :blackeye:
Im cutting ALL red tape today boys,

Here is the message I was sent and you can see according to this he only bought 3000$ worth of Diffs. Take from this what you will. At this time, and you can double check this post for accuracy, we were told the diffs were ordered and sent and we were "waiting"
Below is the EXACT message I was sent

Transaction Details
Debit Card Purchase (Unique Transaction ID #7DN63358WK824701L)
Original AuthorizationDate Type Status Details Amount
Sep 20, 2015 Debit Card Signature (6411) Purchase Completed ... -$3,000.00 USD
Related TransactionsDate Type Status Details Amount
Sep 17, 2015 Authorization To IN *SYNCHROTECH TRANSM,SAN DIMAS,CA, Completed Details -$3,000.00 USD
Sep 17, 2015 Temporary Hold Placed Details -$3,000.00 USD
Sep 20, 2015 Temporary Hold Removed Details $3,000.00 USD
Original Authorization:
Total Payment: -$3,000.00 USD
-$3,000.00 USD
Merchant: IN *SYNCHROTECH TRANSM 909-5925900 CA
Purchase Date: Sep 20, 2015
Authorized Amount: -$3,000.00 USD
Authorization Date: Sep 17, 2015
Time: 15:04:35 PDT
Status: Completed
Net Amount: -$3,000.00 USD
Status: Completed

If you have a problem with a transaction on your PayPal Business Debit MasterCard®, you can dispute the transaction. The transaction status must appear as complete before you can dispute the transaction.

Here is where the first part was paid. I have Duke from NECO freaking out as well you two will be the first to get yours Thomas has his if I hadn't paid he, nor Jim, nor I would have gotten one. And 3 diff's doesn't equal $3000 (I wish I could just keep it all LMAO). I'll call them tomorrow and get an update I haven't talked to them in awhile and I'm curious what's going on myself as they haven't contacted me. (I hope they just lost my number). "

It all seems like abunch of bull. I know I got my diff but I want everyone else to be aware what this guy is doing, He's lying, and I dunno wtf he is doing with your money but It sure seems fishy to me

As of now I just sent him a personal message DEMANDING my 25$ back and I suggest you all do the same, THere is evidence adn PROOF that the diff's should have costed 550$ period. Not a penny more and THAT is shipped.

So again i say I paid 550$+25$ and I went short on my rent to do it because he SWORE he needed it "get my diff sent out" I hates Liars and Theives. and NO MATTER WHAT I will get what is mine. I informed him he has 2 weeks to return my 25$ or I will simply contact the local police and provide THEM with all the information. If anyone of you want to see the messages sent back adn forth or anything else PLEASE contact me and I will provide my PERSONAL #

Thanks and BE AWARE of this
Thanks for the info. While I understand the delays that can happen when shipping large items from overseas, this is beginning to get ridiculous. As I see it from reading all the posts, there are only two of us left that haven't received our diffs. It has been nearly 4 months from the original latest shipping date, so Mr. Fanatic need to get moving on this and wrap it up. I think that all of us have been more than patient enough.