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What is that thing?


Veteran CEG'er
Jul 8, 2004
Minneapolis, MN
What is that? A Jaguar.... BMW?? Looks nice....did you do that yourself?
Contours NEVAR came with THAT!

I love getting compliments on this car.....But Im getting tired of answering the same ol' q's.

I love this car. I remember the first time I seen it in a magazine and wanted one bad.

Dude had a smoof lookin' BMW next to me and was just straight rubberneckin'.

If its soo damn hot, why they so damn cheap I dont get it.
yeah one of the guys at the local autozone laughed when I said it was a svt contour he said "they made that an SVT model" til.. later when we meet up at a red light then he wasnt laughing anymore... smart a$$
you should here some of the crazy responses i get:crazy:
you should here some of the crazy responses i get:crazy:


theres some people who are like "wow, that thing is friggin awesome!" then theres other hot shot honda owners who are like "why would you pretend to make a family car look cool?" i dont even bring it to cruise nights anymore because of all the crap i get from some people. they dont let me park in the mustang section anymore(too much cf). i have to go in the import section now :confused: eff that, i'm staying home

theres some people who are like "wow, that thing is friggin awesome!" then theres other hot shot honda owners who are like "why would you pretend to make a family car look cool?" i dont even bring it to cruise nights anymore because of all the crap i get from some people. they dont let me park in the mustang section anymore(too much cf). i have to go in the import section now :confused: eff that, i'm staying home

what a bunch of freakin' sissies.

theres some people who are like "wow, that thing is friggin awesome!" then theres other hot shot honda owners who are like "why would you pretend to make a family car look cool?" i dont even bring it to cruise nights anymore because of all the crap i get from some people. they dont let me park in the mustang section anymore(too much cf). i have to go in the import section now :confused: eff that, i'm staying home

Ya but ud be king of the import section lol.
not at this cruise night. theres around 10,000 people in attendance. theres a camaro there with over $100k in upgrades
i had some redneck, sister fing, camo, truck driving idiot yell stuff at me out the window. he was like go buy a real car... my grandmother drives one of those... its a 4 cylinder...

so me and another dude decided to go 5 mph and hold his redneck a$$ he got soo pissed. if u say my car is slow then ill drive slow muhahahah

on a better note most people like my car. my friends like it.
People usually laugh then I tell them the bodykits are stock since it's an SVT and they usually shut up :shrug:
I've had countless run in's with people not knowing what my car is, and being amazed that its a 'contour'... always posotive feedback thus far. pre-car jacking, i had c/f cowl hood, 18" ADR-demonya's , custom eyelids (top/bottom) yada yada. now im missing a hood, and running on stock E1's... and i get countless people asking me where my hood is and why its missing. i get tired of telling them the entire story of how i got car jacked, and just tell'em it was stolen. and when they ask why someone would steal a hood (and they always do) i just tell them "i dont fuggin know!" :laugh:
Dumb salesperson at a local performance shop looking out the window at my car... " I didn't know they made an SVT Escort "

Also have got the " wow, that is a nice Taurus "
yea, sho taurus' are nice too they have 32valve v8, theyre pretty quick, but i think i might like the svt better, but i wouldnt be complaining if i had a sho though. but i still like the manual trans
Just this last w/e I got, "you put that body kit on yourself?" My aunt says.."your tires are flat!" 45 series tires parked in grass. She was just teasing though.
yea, sho taurus' are nice too they have 32valve v8, theyre pretty quick, but i think i might like the svt better, but i wouldnt be complaining if i had a sho though. but i still like the manual trans

V6 SHOs (1989-1995) were the most fun. And the only ones with a manual tranny ('89-'92 were all sticks -- '93-'95, the automatic was an option). I recommend them wholeheartedly, having owned two.

Between the SHOs and the SVT, its never been all that easy to explain what I've got. Folks find out you're a car guy and ask what you drive, so you answer. Most people glaze over. They know "Mustang," but that's it, so I'm usually SOL despite the explanation. Doesn't make much difference though -- as I love the wolf in sheep's clothing.
Last year I got pulled over for tire squealing and the motorcycle cop asked where I got a body kit for it. I told him it came stock and he didn't believe me. Luckily I still had a 98 brochure from a car show the weekend before and whipped it out. He couldn't believe it. He'd never seen one before (although there are at least 5 in my area not including Pole120 when he's around)
I get, "What are you doing with a Grampa's Car." That was from my Boss, then when I had to pick him up on the side of the road cause his car died he said..."Why does your car sound so cool, I like you wheels and Im digging your car."

The best when you roll into a busy parking lot and you get those looks, you know what Im talking about....The looks like, "what the...what is that?"

I get a kick out of it.

Oh, and get this...the best is: I pulled into work and parked, my sales mans get out of his can and say. " Did you get a new car, what is that a firebird?" I reply, " No its a SVT Contour." He says (lol), "Oh I had a buddy with one of them, dont they have 351W in them, I think his did!" I said nah, and walked away. It was so funny.