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What is your favorite cereal?

Thanks for sharing that last piece of information. :D

do you dump it all out to get it first thing or what tii its gone:shrug:

Never do I wait until it's gone. I don't even wait until breakfast the next morning, I usually get the prize/toy out of the box when I get home from the store.
Thanks for sharing that last piece of information. :D

Never do I wait until it's gone. I don't even wait until breakfast the next morning, I usually get the prize/toy out of the box when I get home from the store.
me too I can't take the anxiety
I don't really have the toy issue you guys have. Most of the time I'll eat an entire box for breakfast, so I don't have to wait to get the toy. :shrug:
No wonder you have to poop. :laugh:

I read this to my husband:
do you dump it all out to get it first thing or what tii its gone:shrug:
He starts laughing and says... "you always get the prize out when we get home from the store." I told him that that was my exact response to your question.
I usually take it easy on the Mini Wheats, though, because I know my intestines will hate me.

I'm missing out on some good ones that I can't think of right now. Oh well.
That's good then. :)
Yeah, I could understand mini wheats "doing you in" if you ate the whole box.
Most of the time I'll eat an entire box for breakfast
wow .. I bet if you went to McD's for breakfast every day and ordered a value meal, you'd both save money and have less calorie intake.
wow .. I bet if you went to McD's for breakfast every day and ordered a value meal, you'd both save money and have less calorie intake.
Probably not , say 3.00 for a box of cereal vs. 3.00 at micky d's total calorie intake might be close but less fat and such with cereal:shrug:
I just did a search for the nutritional information on mini-wheats...

to eat a whole box (9 servings) would be about 1,890 calories and 441 grams of carbohydrates.

now that's a breakfast of champions :laugh:
It also has about 5.1 grams of fiber per serving.
If my math is correct (remember, I suck at math), that would be 45.9 grams of fiber for the whole box. :yikes: No wonder he takes it easy on the mini-wheats. :help:
scrapple is :drool: just try not to think what they put in it :laugh:
I had a mix of honey nut cherrio's and golden grahms not bad ,but I forgot that I had pancakes and blueberry syrup:nonono: dammit