Addicted CEG'er
Looks like a guy who worked at Smoothlinez was a member here back in 2006 (name "Smoothlinez").... though not really relevant. It seems that the owner has since changed the company name to Race Precision (http://www.raceprecision.com). While they do offer some noble parts, they don't have cams listed for sale.
I found a post on the noble forums about some heat shield that was made by Smoothlinez (also circa 2006). The owner (Eli) commented... and that url was in his signature.
That makes sense now. I went to that site first since the guy posting about the cams on the Noble Forums has that link in his sig. Came to the same conclusion that you did.
Update the guy at FMS (Futural Motorsports) seems to think that the cams I am thinking of where being worked through FMS (Ford Motorsports)... I doubt that they would entertain that idea, but who knows. Another road to go down. That said I'm following up with the guy that helped me with my oil squirters at Kinetic Racing Engines to find out what they used for cams since they supposedly provided the ones that have popped up on NECO for Leo Capaldi's Cougar. I'll be interested to see what they come back with. Now the waiting game...
Edit: I also found out, thanks to the Noble Forums, that Mountune in the UK also offers 3 different cam profiles for the 3L. I've emailed my engineering contact there to see if he can provide me with any information on them. However I'm not holding my breath as they were not willing to give me any information on their valve springs. Well other then the fact that they had been run on many engines with no problems and were good to 8,000rpm. So yea. We shall see with that one.