Hard-core CEG'er
Yeah, the SVT is my other car also and although it's been down for almost a year now (its only been apart since April though) it's not a priority for me to rush the project to get it done. I do miss that car though 
blu_fuz said:I just wanted to comment on the grinding of the mount to fit between the mounted heads on the 3L. I didn't have to grind as much as shown earlier to get it to slide in with no problems.
I started with an '01 cougar mount and my motor is a '05.
The big chunk out of the power steering pump side is necessary as well as the firewall side the PSP face of the mount being almost ground down to the hole where the bolt goes in. Also the "fin" that rides up the mount on the curve needs to be cut down flush to the mount but only like half way up the mount. The "fin" is all you can really see in the bottom pic :blackeye:
The other angled grinding marks on the bolt locations is not necessary, at least for my situation.
The two holes at the bottom of the first pic I didn't have to grind at all nor the side of the mount between the right bottom most hole and the right top hole.
All the bolt-head flush surfaces of the mount were complete and untouched accept the upper most right hole area that you have to almost cut in half.
I should have took pics of mine, but didn't.
****Also, don't try to slide the mount straight in from the timing cover side. Go a couple inches higher and tip the mount into postition at a little angle. I tried going straight in and there was just too much material to remove from the mount to be feasable.
I just want you all to save as much time as possible, so like aircougar stated, grind a little and check, grind some more and check again.
Hope this helps anyone
This is the only pic I have right now: