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how fast are lotus's up top

Miracles happen only in fairy tales. I'm talking about reality. My contour isn't anything special, and I never claimed it as such. That's why I said the driver will win. Not the car. Because in reality more slow drivers own a lotus, porsche, ect, than fast drivers. I'm saying all this from experience. Yes, I have beaten lotus's before. I will do it again too. I will do it in a contour. And not all of the other drivers will be slow drivers. I tried to simply get a point across. All the stats on the car mean very little in real life. If you've lost a race, it is simply that in most cases. The car didn't loose it for you. I did say that the car helps though.
Miracles happen only in fairy tales. I'm talking about reality. My contour isn't anything special, and I never claimed it as such. That's why I said the driver will win. Not the car. Because in reality more slow drivers own a lotus, porsche, ect, than fast drivers. I'm saying all this from experience. Yes, I have beaten lotus's before. I will do it again too. I will do it in a contour. And not all of the other drivers will be slow drivers. I tried to simply get a point across. All the stats on the car mean very little in real life. If you've lost a race, it is simply that in most cases. The car didn't loose it for you. I did say that the car helps though.

Lets say your a pro SCCA driver and another guy, lets call him Roger for the sake of the arguement, has about 2 seasons or about 6 track events under his belt, you tryin' to say you'd beat Roger:confused: and if so, can we have the stats on this "miracle" Contour, if it is infact a Contour! I know around here the majority of the customers who buy a Lotus are pretty good drivers, but there are some exceptions as with any car but one thing is for sure, two average drivers, one in a Lotus and the other in a Contour, Lotus win and same holds true, even more so with experienced drivers, so I'm sorry if I or anyone else here believes this:rolleyes:
I know a guy like roger. It took him a little more than two years and two drivers schools to finally finish faster than me. He got me by a few tenths at Carolina motorsports park one cold January day. But he was driving a moded elise and I had a stock sentra on street tires. He beat me though. Not his car. If I was as good as I am now, I would not have lost. I went up against him earlier this year in his friends sti and beat him in my contour. The sti was surely faster than my contour, but it didn't matter. If you want to see the stats of my so called miracle contour, click my car domain. I don't think it to be a miracle car though. Only a lot of fun.
This is the most ridiculous thread I've seen in a long time.

Goumba has an excellent point. An irrelevant one here, but it is a very good point about the the nut behind the wheel making a far bigger difference than any other part on the car.

And Roger, yeah, I think Goumba would probably make you look silly on a road course. Though, If I had an Elise/Exige on the same road course, I think I might be able to beat him in his contour ;)
Now I want to go to spring zing. I won't be able to make it next year, but I would still like to show everone that I'm not crazy and what I say is true. Unfortunately it would be easier to get a lotus there next year than it would me and my contour. I can't say why because then I would just sound crazy. Maybe 2010.
This is the most ridiculous thread I've seen in a long time.

Goumba has an excellent point. An irrelevant one here, but it is a very good point about the the nut behind the wheel making a far bigger difference than any other part on the car.

And Roger, yeah, I think Goumba would probably make you look silly on a road course. Though, If I had an Elise/Exige on the same road course, I think I might be able to beat him in his contour ;)

What are his driving credentials Brian:confused: I know I have NO track experience Brian, is that it? My other experience doesn't count, does it or is it the fact that I have the rep as driving slow:shrug::crazy::rolleyes:, that's so 2000 or 2001 already. BTW, the people at my work that do go to the track in Lotus and/or are instructors for our customers are getting a huge laugh at all of this, so keep the jokes coming, we're all getting a big laugh at a modded CSVT beating a stock Exige 240S on the track, with equal or even lesser experienced drivers in the two cars, its making our day go by pretty good:laugh: FWIW, the owner just sold his polished Cataraham (1100lbs) w/300 hp Cosworth and is VERY good behind the wheel of that and many other cars and he's really laughing the hardest! Thanks guys because if the boss is happy, we're all happy!
I never really cared if I won an event or not. Chances are, if someones in a whatever and I'm in either of my cars at a track, I'm going to be having a blast no matter what. Ftd just allows that person to bust their buddies chops when they're drinking beer later. Nothing else. But you do get to bust their chops a little harder if the car you beat them in is slower.

Edit: Almost forgot. I'm enjoying this thread too.
I never really cared if I won an event or not. Chances are, if someones in a whatever and I'm in either of my cars at a track, I'm going to be having a blast no matter what. Ftd just allows that person to bust their buddies chops when they're drinking beer later. Nothing else. But you do get to bust their chops a little harder if the car you beat them in is slower.

Edit: Almost forgot. I'm enjoying this thread too.

I agree whole heartedly:cool: but if you go back I think they originally were asking about top speed runs and the Lotus is geared in the tranny/rearend to get up to its top speed fast which is why the car only does in the mid 150's but I know this, I'd rather go 140 in the Lotus then the 140 my MCS does for its top speed:eek:
What are his driving credentials Brian:confused: I know I have NO track experience Brian, is that it? My other experience doesn't count, does it or is it the fact that I have the rep as driving slow:shrug::crazy::rolleyes:, that's so 2000 or 2001 already. BTW, the people at my work that do go to the track in Lotus and/or are instructors for our customers are getting a huge laugh at all of this, so keep the jokes coming, we're all getting a big laugh at a modded CSVT beating a stock Exige 240S on the track, with equal or even lesser experienced drivers in the two cars, its making our day go by pretty good:laugh: FWIW, the owner just sold his polished Cataraham (1100lbs) w/300 hp Cosworth and is VERY good behind the wheel of that and many other cars and he's really laughing the hardest! Thanks guys because if the boss is happy, we're all happy!

Roger, I've never seen Goumba drive, and despite the fact that my comment was entirely tongue-in-cheek, the guy does have a decent bit of competitive rally driving experience.

Roger, once again, you missed my point entirely, as you usually do. I was very much making fun of the whole thread myself, because it really is one of the silliest things I've read lately. Even your justification of the guys from your shop with all the fancy cars. No offense intended to anyone in particular, but I have a hard time not taking things said, by guys with expensive track toys about how good they are, with a grain of salt, until I've seen with my own eyes how good they are in a direct comparison against a known excellent driver. This goes for even so-called instructors sometimes. I'm no world class driver myself, but I've worked and driven with enough of them in my time to know what one looks like. A lot of the guys with the expensive track toys are terrible, and have no clue, because the good car makes them look not so bad, and often, because they have the money to buy the nice car, they are arrogant enough to not listen and learn when being taught by someone that really does know the time of day. Of course, not all are like that, but in my experience, its far more common to run into one that is like that than one that isn't. It even can extend into pro racing. I've dealt with a lot of Porsche teams in our series, and even some Ferrari teams in Rolex that thought that the badges on thier cars meant that they were automatically going to go faster, and didn't have to listen to anyone else. Those teams ALWAYS finish at the back, without exception.
Point of this story:

Lotus>Contour EVERYTIME if driver's abilities are same or close.

Once driver's abilities vary, things may swing either way.
I know some people with one eye. But four. Now that's just silly. I guess this is the thread for it then.
So... glasses doubles your eyes.. and you get called names for it. Okay, so, my question is this:

If a man with one eye needs glasses, would he be "two eyes" and thus normal, or would someone still make fun of him?
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So... glasses doubles your eyes.. and you get called names for it. Okay, so, my question is this:

If a man with one eye needs glasses, would he be "two eyes" and thus normal, or would someone still make fun of him?

"Things that make you go hmmmmm"
So... glasses doubles your eyes.. and you get called names for it. Okay, so, my question is this:

If a man with one eye needs glasses, would he be "two eyes" and thus normal, or would someone still make fun of him?
No....assuming the glasses are of the normal kind it would be 2+1 eye = 3 eyes!:laugh: