Some nice lady in an orange Dodge Nitro flashed her jugs at me in Stoneham today.
easy there killer..that's my daughter you're talking about....
oh meant my wife...nice, eh?
Some nice lady in an orange Dodge Nitro flashed her jugs at me in Stoneham today.
easy there killer..that's my daughter you're talking about....
oh meant my wife...nice, eh?
Spotted Sekond parking his CSVT at his apartment. I pulled out of my apartment's driveway with some ferocity to get his attention :laugh:
Spotted creeper creepin on me parking my car.
Do you hear how loud my car is now? I got pulled over twice this past weekend. Gonna have to do something about it soon.
Unfortunately I haven't heard your car. Good loud or bad loud? Leaky exhaust?