yamaha racer 686
Hard-core CEG'er
yeah hes messing up the northeast posting too. i third it and yeah we can see your angry by your 3 !!!
Can we get this arse clown banned already? Every single post made so far has been a complete waste of bandwidth.
I <3 people who don't <3 me.so eloquently spoken that it would put shakespeare himself to shame. i second it
i cant wait to see your car when its finished!!! (you can see my seriousness by the three exclamation points)
I would have had a better response telling him I was dating James.
Anyone want to start a "Help Mike convince his dad to help spray a color change on his SVT" fund? Maybe a dollar or two to a paypal acct, offshore of course, and in return get lots of cool desktop wallpapers. I know I like the sound of that already. :crazy:
my second choice has always been a flat / matte black (M'mmm!) FTMFW!
For what its worth, few are the times where a non-original paint color does not hurt a car's value. Not that our cars are worth the moon at this point, but if you ever decide to get out of it, you'll most likely be better off with the original color. I understand the allure of doing something different that has great personal appeal, but you may find, after some careful reflecting, that the much cheaper paint job, and thus the more fiscally responsible move, may be the one that brings you the most joy, particularly over the long term.
Guess it depends on the quality for me. I'd buy one non stock if it were done right. Not too many are though.
Good luck beating me to that one....:shrug: Copy me and die.
For what its worth, few are the times where a non-original paint color does not hurt a car's value. Not that our cars are worth the moon at this point, but if you ever decide to get out of it, you'll most likely be better off with the original color. I understand the allure of doing something different that has great personal appeal, but you may find, after some careful reflecting, that the much cheaper paint job, and thus the more fiscally responsible move, may be the one that brings you the most joy, particularly over the long term.
...I have a feeling it will be buried with him. Just so that no one can ever enjoy it but him... :laugh: