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Finally doing a 3L

yeah it does lol. Those SILFRO's look good sometimes i wish mine wasnt black. are you going to dans this weekend to try to finish it up?
yeah it does lol. Those SILFRO's look good sometimes i wish mine wasnt black. are you going to dans this weekend to try to finish it up?

I'm still debating. The parts arrived and Dan started the porting process. We're hoping to get everything back together and in the car this weekend. You coming up to lend a hand:)
Just bear in mind this is the first time I've done head porting... The Bugzuki plates are a godsend- How awesome to have an exact template! AirCougar1's thread on NECO was a huge help. I got the carbide bit he suggested, as well as the sanding cones from Harbor Breaks...

Took me 3 hours to do one head (I was being careful), but I used my pneumatic die grinder instead of a drill. My poor air compressor was on straight for the better part of those 3 hours...


Will do the second one tonight. Hat's off to folks who do this for a living- It's tedious and tiring work. My hands were "buzzing" from all the vibrations even this morning!
FYI, the shorter the porting bit, the less vibration you have.....

Not bad rookie biaaatch!
You know, I think that's the first time I've EVER been called a n00b...


Actually, the 6" bit was recommended by aircougar- Although I think he recommended it as a way of doing the porting with the heads still on the motor.

The way I controlled the bit was by taking a crescent wrench and putting the bit through the loop at the end and holding it along with the diegrinder (think tommy gun front handle).
A drill is really the way to go... unless you spend the big bucks for a slow-spinning die grinder. THe 25k RPM of the typical die grinder is just too fast for porting IMO. Plus you get the excess vibration, the loudness of the grinder & compressor AND you have limited control. I did countless hours of porting with a die grinder before I got a decent drill. Since the first time I put a burr in a drill, I've never used the die grinder for porting again.
I'll give it a shot with my regular drill & tommy gun idea to control the bit. Since my welding classes, I've actually found it very helpful to control the bit with my other hand. Plus I have the die grinder on its lowest speed setting... Pretty easy to deal with once you get the hang of it.

Heading out to do the second one now- Will post pics.

Who all is coming tomorrow? I think the family and I are going to Haymarket Day, but I should be able to get some work in- Enough to have it finished for Javon by Sunday <crosses fingers>...
I Was thinking about stopping by. Im not sure yet i have to go to DMV in the morning and that place has been a mad house the last couple of times i have been there, im hoping it will go quick.:rolleyes: what time are you guys gonna start the wrenching?
You know, I think that's the first time I've EVER been called a n00b...


Actually, the 6" bit was recommended by aircougar- Although I think he recommended it as a way of doing the porting with the heads still on the motor.

The way I controlled the bit was by taking a crescent wrench and putting the bit through the loop at the end and holding it along with the diegrinder (think tommy gun front handle).

I did port the heads when they were on the motor and I still used the really stubby bit. It was extreeeeeemly easy and no vibration. When I put in the 6" bit it shook like crazy, so I went back to the shorty.
I like the "tommy gun" idea with the cresent wrench hold ;) Nice :laugh:
I just dipped the bit in a random oil to keep it cooler, that was it. No gunking up of any sort :shrug:
Nope- I just kept the speed down on the die grinder. On the drill it wasn't ever an issue.

Javon left my place about an hour ago in his 3L CSVT!

Yep and it made the 3hr trip back. Dan is officially the man with the master plan, with a wrench in his hand, that's in need of a tan.:laugh: Seriously though, he hauled a$$ to get this thing finished for me this weekend and it was appreciated. I'll be sure to post up some pics and maybe a sound clip because this thing is LOUD with the headers but its also raspy to all hell without a resonator. Fixing that has now moved to the top of my list of things to do. If anyone know of anyone that's looking to trade a stock exhaust for something let me know.
Yep and it made the 3hr trip back. Dan is officially the man with the master plan, with a wrench in his hand, that's in need of a tan.:laugh: Seriously though, he hauled a$$ to get this thing finished for me this weekend and it was appreciated. I'll be sure to post up some pics and maybe a sound clip because this thing is LOUD with the headers but its also raspy to all hell without a resonator. Fixing that has now moved to the top of my list of things to do. If anyone know of anyone that's looking to trade a stock exhaust for something let me know.

congrats! are you saying you want a stock exhaust or want to get rid of a stock exhaust?
Dan is officially the man with the master plan, with a wrench in his hand, that's in need of a tan.:laugh:


Just don't post pics of those Y-pipe welds... It's solid, but they ain't pretty. Shoulda TIGed it... Just didn't have time.

Thanks for the kind words. People can PM me for quotes and info about work.
Here's a few from this weekend's install...



All the ported intakes:


Bugzuki plates w/ Ultra-Black RTV Silicone on both sides:


LIM Installed:


Build continues:



Up we go!


Down we go:




Anyone want to take a guess where this plug goes? I couldn't find anything around it to connect it to... A/C clutch, fan connectors, A/C dryer harnesses all accounted for. Airbag sensor? The light on the instrument cluster reads 4 flashes then 2 flashes, then repeats...
