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Halloween Party Heads Up

there will be what ever CEG'ers posted here, some family, some co-workers, and other friends.
we are thinking at least 30 people.
I hope to heck these jalapeno popper thingies are good.
2.5 hours just in prep work (I guess I was going slow).
Need another 2 hours or so to cook.
for the first time in years, i think we are ready for the party before people are going to start showing up!!

only a couple more things to do but they have to be done closer to the party time
My costume is coming together shortly! A few things here and there to do, and I'm golden. Oreos are already waiting in the car :laugh:
Great to see all of you guys. Lots of good laughs! Thanks to ElKy and Jess along with everyone else who made it such a cool evening. :cool: Kim, you gotta get the picture of Crockett and the yuppie posted up.

What Elky convinced my girlfriend to do lol. I'd like to see some pictures people took though! Especially the :censored::censored::censored::censored: eating and the farm animal molesting.
:cool: good times.
I'm surprised that we didn't take more pictures.
We were pretty hungry when we arrived, so our priority was mostly to eat.
I kept forgetting to walk around with the camera too.

Big thanks to Elky and Jess for another fun Hallyween.
You all had great costumes. It was a lot of fun.

http://s75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/klafortune/Halloween 2008

haha this one came out even better than I expected. Definitely one for the archives.
(I love how the Miller cans were camo, btw - classy)

something doesn't belong here. Can't put my finger on it

bottle opener

aaaand pooper scooper. Jess am the luckiest sheep ever

insanely well done. Bravo Elky. I wish I had taken the time to snap more pics of all of your decor. The weather outside didn't help much. I hope other people will post their pics.

last but not least - Sid (It's fun dressing up, eh Matt? kinda like being someone else for a day)
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btw, that bee-girl was HAAAAAAAAAAAWT! oh lordy.
I wish I could've snapped a better pic of her, but I think she was wise to me.
She had a cute Natalie Portman face, so she was more than just a nice body.

Oh and Jared, Theresa was a lot of fun. She was so cute playing Rock Band.
She really seemed to have a good time. Everyone did.
It was fun sharing the game with everyone.
For those wondering about the Sid references

It was a great time and good to see all of you again. Cobra and LauraSVTs costumes were full of win, both inspired by their winter beaters. Next year Jess should be a bear a la Super Troopers. :)
Still feel bad about pelting you in the eyeball with that dart Elky. I swear I was aiming for your breasticles. Shows how good of a shot I am :help:
Looks like another year, another good time missed by us. :(

Wish we could have made it... everyone's costumes look great. Matt... that Sid getup is priceless! Hahahahaha
Wait, you hit someone in the EYE with a DART!?!?!? I'm guessing it was one of those plastic ones otherwise I don't think you'd be alive to talk about it.

hey don't doubt Elky's superhuman abilities to live through stuff! :D

(ok, yeah, it was a foam suction cup dart)
I received multiple tit-hits