Addicted CEG'er
the air being presurized isnt an issue. Blackcoug has been doing it for years with his SC setup. also, FWIW the GM 3/3.5" MAFs were designed for an NA system but function perfectly in a blow-through setup without any issues.
True, but what is his kit running for boost pressures... if IIRC its only in the 3-8psi range. Relatively low considering some people are running at 12-14psi. I'm not saying it can't be done... I'm just saying its not the right way to do it. That is why just about every factory installed turbo system has either a MAP sensor with a BOV vented to atmosphere, or a MAF with a recirculated BOV. I could mount my intercooler in the trunk of my car... but it isnt going to get any airflow so it's really not going to do as good of a job. Just sayin...