I can finally give my car a clean bill of health, just wrapping up some little things and she will be good to go. *sigh of relief*
- 1998 E0 /117,259
- SVT #1663
-3L 2004 Taurus 30k
- All new gaskets/ timing components in the engine
- '99 SVT Cams 70k
- Port matched heads using bugzuki plates, modified the plates to 37mm
- DMD Crank Pully
- Escape Oil pan '08 revision
- Lightened Stock SVT flywheel
- New Luk SVT clutch
- Livinsvt Torsen MTX-75
- #19lb SVT injectors (orange)
- Shoshop LIM
- Max Extrude Honed UIM
- EGR Delete
- 65mm Ported/Polished/knife edged TB (svt tb is on now)
- Weapon R SS Headers
- Shoshop SS Catless Y Pipe
- Borla SS Catback
- Cougar K&N FIPK Short Ram intake
- New front roll mount w/ Poly insert
- Bradness? Streetlink
Will be getting tune soon
Protip: Put pulse wheel on right ....make sure the injector harness is plugged in good.
If you attempt to do one of these builds and don't have engine building experience, have deep pockets. Read these forums until you can put a contour together in your sleep.