That's what I thought. If I left the heads un ported the fuel would spray and hit the lip of the stock 3L intake port on the heads. I am sure this would effect runability for sure. I think the very least that could be done would be to grind the new valley in and not porting the rest to the correct size. But like beans said "while you're in there"....:shrug:
I tore some more stuff down last night because all this talk got me motivated again. I am going to post pics with my finger in them pointing to things I need to clarify. So if anyone knows what these are for and what I need to do with them, please chime in

thanks - JOE
that is the 3L knock sensor. if you have one on your 95 all you need to do is splice the 3L sensor into your 95 harness.
that is the 3L crank sensor, you will not need this as you will use the stock one off your stock front cover. don't forget to set the pulse wheel to the 2.5L possition to match your 2.5L timing cover.
Cam position sensor? Use the 3L or the 2.5?
yes that is the cam sensor. you don't need the 3L one. you will use your 2.5L one on your 2.5L front cover.
that is you oil pressure sender for the light on the dash. you can install the one from your 2.5L but it is easier to splice the 3L sensor into your wiring harness. this prevents a possible source of an oil leak.
So, from what I have read here I need to grind this flange down flush?
yes you can cut the pilot bushing flush or remove it completely.
AND, do I use the 2.5 or the 3L water pump and sensor:shrug:
you want to use the cross over tube from your 2.5L. you will note that this sensor has two wires and ours only have one since it is grounded through the metal cross over tube. you should powder coat the tube also. so you don't need this sensor.