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Spring Zing Akron, Ohio May 19-22, 2011

SMH! Yeah I actually do... I'm just stating I'm a person who likes to get to know others and have fun w/ everybody. When I had me SE I almost went to the one here... but how bout you sit back, and inform me what I so called don't know... otherwise don't speak

Look at Pole's title. "Fat Guy in a Lesbian Sweatshirt"

Pretty sure Pole and the rest of CEG knows how to have fun.
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I are on top, Pole are on bottom. /thread
I know most of you guys are fun.... But some are dicks so I was making sure you didn't think I was gonna take anything derogative lightly, but no harm done by your statement now. Look forward to meeting all you guys.... By the way, I want in on the wrestling.
Ok does "going 30 secs" sound better? And I'm starting to think Blu has a prob with me . Keeps criticizing me everywhere I go =( lol

you seem to be overly sensitive and defensive about anything anyone has been posting.
No one's out to get you. No one even knows you to be acting that way with you.
.....smh no... A couple of you guys got it twisted... I'm very animated, and i take nothing over the internet to heart... lol. That was a joke about Blu, and the "30 secs" was a non threatening substitution since wrestling was gay... calm down guys, no harm done my bro's... I think I should state I am a very sarcastic a$$hole.
Spaghetti Squash is my favorite pre-cooked portable ejack tool :laugh:!

313ContourSVT, you sarcastic A-HOLE I got no issues with you, it's all good ;). hehehe