Got everything. Looks great. 99Mystique really out did his self and can't thank him enough!!
Now that THAT hurdle is over ( A long one ) The fun stuff begins,
•••• i did need to do
-Had a dead battery in the car, so i replaced that under warrenty and burned off the ••••ty old gas a couple weeks ago. Car feels pretty pokey after getting used to dailying the Speed3. One more reason to do this
-Last weekend i fixed the bad rod end in my stangkiller, in the process of replacing my front coil over. Got a bunch of other "Regular" Contour maintenance on the car too.
Heater blower doesnt work, think its the switch assembly. ABS light is on. Think it's the Drivers side rear in the wrong orrentation. Install PRT Transmount Bunch of other crap i can't think of.
Yesterday i pulled my center console, hvac surround, radio, gauge surround. To wire up the Boost, Map Sensor+ Voltage Converter for it.. Map sensor vaccum line was broke tried super gluing it who the hell knows if it will work, brand new out of the package too!!!!
-If the weather allows i'm going to do the fender battery relocation, need to look at SCCA rules to make sure i'm legit. I have remote terminal kit, i was going to put it by the fuse box, relitively close to the stock location/fuse box, is that legal/safe?
-What's everyones thoughts on installation of this, should I install it all, throw a tune on it and give it a start, OR should install the charger assembly, keep my stock maf, injectors, plugs ect. and see how she spins?